Topaz supports the organization Right to Play (RTP). It is important for us to support an organization that we believe and which helps to improve the lives of many children in many countries around the world. Topaz of Norway is one of RTP’s Bronze Partners.
Right To Play is an international humanitarian organization that works to improve children’s school day in developing countries.
RTP’s work has a particular focus on learning and playing. Learning strengthens children’s opportunities for a better future, and Playing is used as a tool for professional, social and personal development.
Through the guidance and follow-up of teachers, and more use of play and activity in teaching, they help to make a significant improvement in children’s everyday lives in developing countries.
Right To Play was founded in 2000 with its headquarters in Canada. The organization works in 16 countries distributed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Visit www.righttoplay.com for more information.
Topaz’ customers also have the opportunity to support RTP. Visit their website and donate here.